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  • Writer's pictureMaurice Burrell III

Are You Satisfied With God?

Yesterday, I visited a church that was very different than what I am used to, and plus I felt out of place since I was wearing a T-shirt and jeans and everyone around me was wearing a suit and tie. Immediately I felt uncomfortable but the beauty of that church was that no one made me feel uncomfortable. So, I realized that I had to get out of my headspace and focus on God because there was a reason he brought me to that church, and my appearance was not one of them. After being there for an hour and listening to the very traditional songs, I could feel the spirit moving in that place and once I felt that I could hear the Lord speaking to me. However, it wasn't until the final song of the evening is when I truly heard his voice loud and clear. He said, "Are you satisfied with me?" My immediate answer was Yes, but after thinking about the question and the events that I went through my answer changed to no. At that moment, I wanted to cry, but the tears did not want to come out. Maybe it was because I was in a new environment, but that hasn't stopped me from crying before. There are plenty of reasons as to why I am not satisfied with God, and they all came back to me at that very moment. However, the main reason is that I am stuck in this mindset that I will never have the family that I always dreamed of. I want it so bad that I already have names picked out for my children. However, at that moment, the holy spirit reminded me that I don't need a family of my own to praise and worship God, I could do that right now. There shouldn't be anything stopping me from giving what we owe God on a daily basis. Yes, we all have desires of the heart, but no matter how badly we want them should not stop us from serving the Lord and following his will. So, in that moment I prayed and I asked God to help me become fully satisfied with him even if that means no family and his will is for me to be single for the rest of my life. Because I realized that I want a relationship with no strings attached because God deserves that. Today, I am grateful that I went to that church because not only they open up a new door for me, that environment help the spirit speak to me to address a problem that could cause some major damage in the future if left unchecked. I want to be fully satisfied with God in all areas of my life, so I can serve him with everything that I have.

Trey M. Powers

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