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Social Work

I'm not regular on this thing and I think that is a good thing because I am no longer typing for an audience, I am typing for myself. I...

Broken Heart

Growing Up, my father was not a nice man. In my young eyes, I saw him as a very mean man who always talked down to me or beat me. I tried...

Everything Happens For A Reason

It 2' O Clock in the morning and I just got finished watching Avatar: The Last Airbender on Netflix. This is the second time I watched it...

Lost Everything ... Found Everything

In the initial post, I was going to list out everything I lost in the aftermath of my manic episode. But then I realized that I wouldn't...

My Name (The Road Of Forgiveness)

When you are on the road of forgiveness and you are walking with God, you start to see what you are doing wrong. For a very long time, I...


I don't believe it and I fully don't understand it because I been through so much hell and brought so much disappointment to the Lord. A...


I am going to talk about a very taboo topic in the Christian community and that is porn. I can't remember how I was when I started...

Envious Spirit

When I had my manic episode that forced me to move back home, I lost everything that I was working towards in my college town. I lost all...

Your Future Is Not Determined Yet

While I was reading The Battlefield of the Mind By Joyce Meyer, The audiobook completely skipped the 16th chapter of the book. I don't...


My church friend gave me a book called The Battlefield of the Mind by Joyce Meyer over three years ago. During that three year period, I...

Questioning God

Adam and Eve introduced the world to sin when it was first created billions of years ago. To this day, have been faced with sin on a...


Do you ever feel like you beat something in your life, and you think that you will never encounter that problem or sin again? Well here...


This past week has been nothing but closure for me and I am thankful for it. Although I made some choices that were not Christian based,...

Are You Satisfied With God?

Yesterday, I visited a church that was very different than what I am used to, and plus I felt out of place since I was wearing a T-shirt...


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