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  • Writer's pictureMaurice Burrell III

Social Work

I'm not regular on this thing and I think that is a good thing because I am no longer typing for an audience, I am typing for myself. I digital place to keep my thoughts without judgment from the world. This is my new place to be free and away from social media because you can't post anything without critics. My New Secret Place where I can vent and say whatever is on my mind within reason. I know one-day people will read this, but today is not that day.

Now on to the topic on this blog, I never knew that social work would be my career in grade school. I was so focused on helping the children in public or private schools by becoming a teacher that I lost sight of the ultimate goal that I declared ever since I was young. The goal was to help people. I have no idea where that idea came from, so it must have been from God because that is the goal he gave me. Being a teacher or a CPS worker only focuses on one bracket on the people that truly need help. Yes, children do need help but what about the young adults, the middle-aged, the elderly, the homeless, the teenage parents, and more. My job is not to focus on one bracket but to create something that helps everyone in the community. We all fall on hard times and sometimes we don't know where to turn to. That why I want to go into the field of social work because they literally touch everyone who is in need and then some. It took some time to get here and I prayed to God to show me the way and he did. Now, I can't stop thinking about my classes that I am going to take in a couple of weeks and try to fine-tune the degree plan that I am on. However, I do wish that I could relax but not be so obsessive over my degree plan. At this moment, I am still waiting for my acceptance letter to the program because they are taking forever. I finally stop calling every day but I still check my status online more than twice a day. I just know this is for me because I will finally fulfill the life long goal of helping people. and I am going to do it with a non-profit called The Helping People Center

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