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  • Writer's pictureMaurice Burrell III


This past week has been nothing but closure for me and I am thankful for it. Although I made some choices that were not Christian based, I am glad that I know that I don't need to return to those things for the rest of my life. For this blog post, I am going to focus on my former university that I went to for almost five years before I had my mental breakdown. When I left school, I had mixed emotions about returning but deep down something told me that I was never going back. As the years went by, I was dead set against going back because of the ill feelings I had against the school and the city because I caught a case during my mental breakdown. What I didn't know is that I was basically running away because I didn't want to deal with the problems associated with that school or city. I thought I was over it but I soon realized that I still had some problems that I needed to work out before I move on to a new school and city. Recently, I have been looking into new schools and majors and it always seems like all my choices came back down to my former university, but as I said didn't want to return to the school. I knew something was wrong when I felt like I was just settling for my former university since it was cheaper and get me to graduate sooner. Even though the major was general studies, I had to look deeper and figure out what going on internally as to why I detested this school. That when I realize I had to get over my ill feelings because they were learning lessons for me to grow. When God allows something that is not technically good for you at the time, in my case withdrawal from school, catching a case, and probation, doesn't mean he didn't see the long term effects it could have in the future. The father knows what best for you at the end of the day, and we as the Christian body have to trust him through and through.

So how did I get my closure, I visited the campus this past weekend contemplating if I should return for a social work degree. At this point, I already put aside my ill feelings about the school. Since I was gone, the school has done some major construction on campus and everything looked nice. However, I wasn't jumping off the walls while being on campus, and nothing spoke to me while I was there. For the first time ever, I was at peace that my time was up at my former university. I wasn't thinking about my past and the trouble I faced, I was there in that present moment. I finally felt like I was no longer running from my past or the school, but I was finally walking into my destiny. So, this is my final goodbye to my former university, It been real but it time to move to bigger and better things that God is calling me on.

Trey M. Powers

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