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  • Writer's pictureMaurice Burrell III


I don't believe it and I fully don't understand it because I been through so much hell and brought so much disappointment to the Lord. A part of me wants to say WHY ME? choose someone else because I believe that I am not qualified. But then I remember that is the voice of the Devil and he is speaking lies to me in order derail me from my destiny. I have to realize that the Lord didn't give the spirit of fear and when I realize it was fear that was holding me back from accomplishing my destiny. This is not the first time that called me to this destiny and this time I am not going to let anyone takes this away from me or derail me. Now, I understand if I am not ready to accomplish this destiny yet and I need more time to mature in the Lord first before I go out and present myself to the Christian's body. I just have this feeling that I can lead more people to Christ by stepping up and accepting this destiny that God has placed on my heart. If you haven't guessed by now what my destiny may be then let me helped you out, I believe that God is calling to be a Pastor. Now if you read my previous posts, you know that I have struggled with many demons including Homosexuality and that has plagued my life since the 6th grade when I caught feelings for another boy at my school. The Devil wants me to believe that because of that sin and the other ones I struggled with in my life that I am unqualified to be in the pulpit. But here is the thing, when Jesus died on that cross and gave his life for me and the Christian body he washed me free from all sins, and now I am as white as snow because my savior did that for me. I turned from Homosexuality and all my known sins and I would love to help other people do the same thing too because his glory is too good to keep to myself. We are called to bring more souls to Jesus Christ on a daily basis and I pray that I am able to do just that.

So keep me in your prayers because this will be a long journey, but it will be worth every second because I am finally serving a master who respects me and love me enough to send His only begotten Son to the cross. I thought that I had everything figured out but then God came in like a flood and changed my plans twice and this time I am not hiding behind Fear or any evil spirit that Devil sends my way. I am going to fulfill my destiny by any means necessary because I am going to change lives.

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