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  • Writer's pictureMaurice Burrell III

Envious Spirit

When I had my manic episode that forced me to move back home, I lost everything that I was working towards in my college town. I lost all sources of my income, my apartment, my student organization that I was building from the ground up, I was kicked out off of the line from the fraternity I was pledging, and most importantly I had to withdraw from school. The last hurt the most because I was supposed to graduate that upcoming May. It took me a long time to recover from that because I went into a deep depression thinking about all I lost and the fact that I didn't have a job at the time. The enemy had me right where he wanted me defeated and hopeless with no strength to get up and face the day. However, he didn't stop there because he introduced a spirit that I am very familiar with, and that is the Envious Spirit. I sat there and saw everyone graduation pictures, and I couldn't help but be filled with an envious spirit because that should have been me posing for those pictures. That should have been me walking across that stage in 2017. I was completely under that influence that if I hadn't gotten sick then I would have walking across that stage.

But God had other plans for my life! That Envious Spirit was speaking nothing but lies into my ears and that is its job. The way I look at it today is that the Father was delaying my dreams of graduation, so I can be on the right path to help people in his kingdom. Some may view his plans as cruel and unusual punishment, but they were necessary in order for me to wake up for a dream that I was capable to be a teacher. Although teachers do make a lasting impact on children's lives, sometimes a teacher's role is reduced to babysitting. I thought I could handle it and I been in the classroom before, but when you are there alone trying to handle a classroom full of students is a tough job. I commend all teachers because they the patience to do it, and I had to learn the hard way that my patience is not that strong.

That spirit kept me down for a long time, but eventually, I got up and realized God's plan for my life. Whether it is the spirit of Fear, Envy, Indecision, or Doubt remember they have one job and that is to keep you down for a long as possible. They are not from God, and he will give you the power to overcome everything the enemy throws at you. Remember, Satan will only cause a storm around you and it's up to you on how you operate in it. Don't lose the faith and keep your head up high because God got you in the end.

I love you and there is nothing you can do about it,

Trey M. Powers

P.S.: For those who don't know I am preparing myself to study social work in the near future. I honestly do believe that is where God wants me to be, and after so much research I believe that I truly help many people in this field. But first, I have to pass the classes and get my degrees and licenses. Please keep me in your prayers!

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