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  • Writer's pictureMaurice Burrell III

Questioning God

Adam and Eve introduced the world to sin when it was first created billions of years ago. To this day, have been faced with sin on a daily basis because we were born with it. Instead of facing a well-deserved death, Jesus was created, led a ministry, faced an untimely death, but rose again all for our sins. Without Jesus paying the price and being our ultimate savior, we would pay the price of sin with every death. However, there are people in this country and this world who don't believe or they don't know who Jesus is. Our jobs as Disciples, NOT Christians, is to spread the word of God to every person on this world before their death day. Then, because of free will, they will have to choose if they believe. We can only get them to the door. In my opinion, this world and this flesh have caused some of us to believe that God is not Real. This has been an everlasting battle for many because they believe that God is Evil or they question his existence. They don't want to understand God's methods or why he allows such bad things to happen. At the end of the day, we can't question him or his methods because He knows what is best for his children.

Three years ago, I was sentenced by a Beaumont, Texas Judge to a Three Year Deferred Adjudication Probation. I pled no contest to assaulting a public servant. I was in a position where I could have turned my back on God. I could have left my faith in that courtroom because that seven months process was a long time wait. I was on the edge of my seat during every appearance just waiting for my punishment. However, you only got half of the story because the day they claimed I assaulted the public servant I was having my very first manic episode. I don't remember much of that night and it comes back in pieces, but I made it out of that situation because of God. God never left me during my manic episode and he didn't leave me during my court appearances, so why should I leave him. Many people believe that we should never go through hard things in this world or this life but they are blind because they will always have an enemy on their back. My probation ended on July 30, 2020, and I thank God I made it through because I would not have made this far without him.

I don't question his methods anymore because I know they are meant for me to grow as a human being. I have made mistakes and I am still making them on a daily basis. However, I know that he watching over me and his children. Sin was supposed to put a wedge between us and God, but in some way, it made us closer. God never stopped loving us and allowed Jesus to be born. So, I am thankful for Adam and Eve because their mistake may have caused darkness over the world, but God remained to bring the light through his only begotten son. Never Question God Because He Has The Best Intentions In Heart!

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