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  • Writer's pictureMaurice Burrell III

Your Future Is Not Determined Yet

While I was reading The Battlefield of the Mind By Joyce Meyer, The audiobook completely skipped the 16th chapter of the book. I don't understand why, but something told me that I had to read that chapter by myself with no help from the audiobook. At first, I didn't like it because I am not an avid reader and I also have a wandering mind, see the last blog post. So, I know that this chapter had to be important if there was no easy way out, and that chapter really hit home because it really spoke to some current situations that I am going through right now. The name of the chapter is "my future is determined by my past and my present. Wilderness Mentality #1." This chapter is basically my life story because I was abused during my childhood physically, mentally, and emotionally by my peers and my earthly father. I walked around with a fake smile on my face and the biggest chip on my shoulder because I was constantly wrestling with my demons. Then when I caught my case back in 2016, I felt like I had nothing to live for because I couldn't catch a break. Now, suicide was not an option because the bible is real firm on that, so I thought I was just going to suffer for the rest of my life. I was able to seek out a counselor during this time and even though I was only with her for a limited time, I still was able to talk out my problems that I was facing and get off the path of suicide. Although I regret not reading the book earlier because it could have helped me get out of my funk, I am glad that I had the drive to read it because I need it to navigate these waters that I dealing with right now.

The main thing I learned that my future is not determined by my past or my present situations, and it is up to me to make things happen. Furthermore, if I want a certain future I have to work for it and use my present or my past as a clutch. The same can be said for you, you are responsible for your future and there is nothing stopping you from achieving that future. You can do anything you put your mind to and there is nothing stopping you but you. You are the biggest obstacle and your biggest enemy and the moment you believe that you can't do a task you are right. You have to believe in yourself first because your future is not determined yet and you have to ignore the naysayers. Push yourself to new limits and don't stop until you believe you reach that goal. Remember you can do anything and believing is the first step.

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